Thursday, February 13, 2020

My Nursing Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

My Nursing Philosophy - Essay Example For me to develop my nursing practice, I contemplated on what nursing means to me as well as factors that guide my nursing practice. In the course of my nursing studies, I have encountered different situations, which have enabled me develop my personal nursing philosophy. Additionally they have changed and molded my assumptions regarding nursing practices. However, they have at times challenged my assumption and personal value but for the better. Developing a personal nursing philosophy required me to reflect on my assumptions about nursing and compare them with the facts I had learned, particularly from the different philosophers accredited for developing different concepts that shaped nursing practices. Nursing practices entails giving patient-centered care and maintaining the different ethics that guide nurses in their practice. My nursing philosophy is based on my experiences, nursing education, principles, and theories that guide nursing, as well as my goals as a nurse. It addresses the aspects surrounding nursing practice, which include the society, environment, the patient of recipient of nursing care, health, and nursing care. I have always been compassionate about giving professional caring towards patients. For me, nursing is not just about me as the nurse and the patient, it comprise the patients family and the society. This is because of the roles that may pray in preventing occurrence of certain diseases as well as their contribution in enhancing healing of patients. Additionally, they are an important source of information regarding patients and other health related problems. The American Nurses Association definition of nursing (2004, p. 7) as â€Å"Protection, promoti ng, and Abilities, prevention of illnesses and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations† clearly describes what nursing entails. I find this definition very comprehensive since it clearly defines the roles of a nurse. Additionally, it demonstrates the need for continuous knowledge acquisition as key to proficient nursing. For quite some time the issue on whether nursing is, an art or a science has been debated. Being a nurse entail taking care of the patients, this is considered as an art. Therefore, the definition of nursing is a clear depiction of the components of nursing. Being a successful nurse requires one to seek knowledge, which is then applied in the daily activities. This necessitates clear understanding of diseases, their causes, diagnosis, and treatment. This makes nursing a science since it involves seeking knowledge. According to Philips, science is â€Å"an original body of knowledge concerning human beings and their world,† (2006, p.43). Nursing is thus multidimensional, and involves acquiring knowledge in addition applying the theory of behavioral and natural sciences in defining the skills and professional values used in care giving (Warms & Schroeder, 2009; Phillips, 2006).  However, nursing goes beyond understanding the disease progression and treatment. It entails enhancing the healing process through giving care. When Nightingale (1820-1910) and Nissen (1834-1892) wrote a about nursing, they metaphorically compared it to art. They were considering the quality of care given by nurses (Austgard, 2006, 16). The aspect of care giving requires nurses to connect with the patient and their family and is thus an art. Nursing is thus both a science and an art. That is why I consider knowledge crucial for successful nursing. Additionally, applying the knowledge learnt in class is crucial since it enables one to understand different diseases and disease processes. Knowledge acquisition is the scientific component of nursing. It entails learning how to use

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Capital Budget Model Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Capital Budget Model - Term Paper Example Financial modeling as explained above is the task of creating a representation of a real financial situation in the world. It consists of the process of forecasting the performance of a financial portfolio or asset of a business through the use of a mathematical or scientific model in order to provide management of a business with adequate information to make informed decisions on the types of portfolio and assets to finance in the future. To understand more about financial models, it is important to critically review them and understand why they are important in today’s financial world. Let us begin with a critical review of financial models. Financial modeling consists of the process of forecasting the performance of organizations and assets, through the use of relationships among a number of variables. This provides the management of an organization with insight into the short-term and long-term environment of business in order summarize specific events to provide direction concerning possible alternatives or actions management can take to achieve set goals and objectives. Financial models can be created in numerous ways, either by the use of a pen and a paper, or computer software. What is most significant, however, is not the type of user interface that is used, but the fundamental logic that incorporates the model. For example, a model can summarize the returns of an investment, such as Sortino Ratio, or it may assist approximate the direction of the market, such as Fed Model.